South Newton & Stoford, Wiltshire, UK
Community Matters - Lower Wylye & Till Valley Parishes Magazine:

Swans W.I. - March Meeting
We began our March meeting on a note of great sadness, as we paid tribute to our dear Member Lin Wells who passed away recently. A lovely photograph of her was displayed, together with pieces of her lovely artwork. A tribute to Lin was read, which described the many ways in which she was so valued by us all and the deep affection we felt for her.
Christine Carter, an investigative journalist, was our surprise speaker this month. When working for the BBC Christine undertook extensive research into the lives of Wallis Simpson and Prince Edward. Her talk, entitled ‘Wallis, The American Duchess’, gave us a fascinating insight into, in particular, the Duchess’s life. Using both photographic and written evidence we were taken into the world of the Duchess, from her early life through to her death in 1986. It was very interesting hearing little known facts of how this very colourful person became part of British history.
As always, SWANS business was dealt with and was followed by a variety of delicious refreshments. Our next meeting is on 3 April at Wilton Community Centre at 2pm. You are most welcome to join us. Our guest speaker, Alan Jones, will talk to us about, ‘Interesting Conversations’.
Alternatively, if you would like to learn more about us, please call Caroline on 01722 792759. We meet on the first Thursday of each month at 2pm, usually in the Wilton Community Centre.
Swans W.I. (formerly South Newton, Wishford & Stapleford Women's Institute)
A warm welcome awaits any-one who would like to come along. We welcome members from all the surrounding villages and nearby areas and if you are interesting in joining our friendly Women's Institute please contact:
President: Sue Waldron
Secretary: Diane Wilkinson
Visitors are also welcome to our meetings or monthly walks.
Parish Council Meeting:
Mon 6 Jan 2025.Draft Minutes
Next Meeting: Mon 3rd March
2025: Agenda
200 Club: January 2025 Winners
Updated Village Events are all now in the Village Calendar
Village Hall News UPDATED 28th December 2024
Now lapsed
Valley Art; details
March 2025 meeting report; date of next meeting: 3rd April 2025